May-June 2024

Soups I Did It Again and Sky Blue Pink—23 Years in the Making
Tale as old as time—boy meets girl, nothing happens, boy meets girl again, nothing happens again, a couple of decades go by, boy meets girl…

See What You Can Find
Have you ever come across an unknown plant or mushroom while hiking and wondered whether or not it’s safe to stick it in your mouth?…

Building A Legacy—30 Years of Aldo Leopold Nature Center
If you’ve ever hiked the trails of the Aldo Leopold Nature Center (ALNC), you know that nature abounds, as does the recognition that this land…

Quick Fix After Hours Chiropractic
Dr. Sarah Nelson, DC, knew she wanted to help people when she chose to become an HMO doctor. What she wasn’t expecting was how little…

The Thing Pet Owners Dread Most—Diarrhea
There’s not much worse than coming home to diarrhea piles all over the house. The smell, the mess, the cleaning, not to mention your dog…

Dominique Taquet
“Wherever crowds gather and wherever men are kindled into brotherhood, there the soul of man is lifted and his spirit rejuvenated.” Ralph Waldo Emerson Art…

Body and Architecture—Gonstead Clinic of Chiropractic
The story of how a clinic in the small village of Mount Horeb rivaled the Mayo Clinic in the world of chiropractic is the story…